
InstaFriday Happy Happy June

It's Friday! Yippee! I am super happy 
on this particular Friday because...
it's our teacher work day and after 2 pm 
summer is officially here for us, whooohooo! 

so, I got to drive my daughters v-dub for a few days
my mamma and I had a rumble...

here's me smilin' because I have a driver...

and I'm so happy to finally have an 
Allora Handmade necklace from the Queen Bee Market...

and a Posy Pin from Pleated Poppy 
also from the Queen Bee...

these cute little felted balls on a stick were a 
great find also...
(be warned, the QBM is a dangerous place!) 

how cute it this Jungle Themed baby shower 
for my sis? we had a blast...

ok, sorry, more pics from the v-dub...my girl got 
a new sunflower, it's so cute! 

just a few flames...
really it was scary because 
I bought sparkler candles from Target 
and they went up like a torch! haha! 

have a wonderful weekend! 


1 comment:

KK said...

You went to Queen Bee Market? Ahhh jealous! I so wanted to go, but couldn't make it happen this time around. Those necklaces were made for you....so adorable on you...seriously! Such cute pictures. xoxo