
summer reads

I love finding a good author...
and books that you just can't put down~ 

have you read anything by Gillian Flynn

Gone Girl got me hooked...

then I downloaded 

now I'm finishing up 

she's got the mystery writer gene, 
weaves a great tale...and includes
lots of descriptive language along the way.
(I'm such an English teacher nerd, 
I know)

anyhow, if you're looking for some juicy reads 
to wrap up your summer....try these out! 

p.s. I think I'm cured of my wavering between
the Kindle and paper books~ I LOVE the Kindle,
instant gratification when you need a new book:)



Vicki @ lifeinmyemptynest said...

I loved Gone Girl too. I have her other books saved on my wish list to download and read soon. I use an I Pad and officially love being able to have access to new books anytime :-)

The Polka Dot Closet said...

Oh no, I was sure a teacher would have voted for books! It sure is cheaper on the Kindle. Oh, I love mysteries, but I am so terrible I can't wit for the ending so i go to the back and read the ending...Isn't that terrible?!


Melodee said...

it was really hard not to go to the end of Gone Girl and see what would happen, haha!

Sara SHOEmaker said...

oooh I love getting book recommendations! thanks for these, I may just check these out on my Nook! Mystery books are the best kind, my love affair with mystery novels started with Nancy Drew when I was a kid :)

The House of Shoes

Controlling My Chaos said...

It looks like I'm going to have to check out "Gone Girl." Quite a few people have recommended it recently. Thank you.

Carole said...

Thanks for linking in, Melodee. Cheers

Elizabeth said...


ADORABLE and so nicely arranged.

Going to grab your button for my blog.


Stopping by from the Linky List on Carole's Chatter.

Silver's Reviews