
gardens in california

although I dream of rain and cold weather,
I admit I am in love with our California winters...

my succulents and rosemary are so pretty right now...

we just planted a row of bougainvillea on our side fence...
I know they will take over soon and I can't wait for the brilliant red
contrast against the lavender on this side of the garden~

I love love love candles, all over, even in the garden....
why not recycle tin cans for candle holders? 

happy gardening :) 


WordsPoeticallyWorth said...

Good luck to you and your endeavours.

Thank you. Love love, Andrew. Bye.

GnomeLover said...

I wish I had your green thumb! Your vines are going to be amazing! We definitely do not take advantage of our great planting like we should. My friend built a huge herb and vegetable garden last week. I will live vicariously through you guys!

It was another beautiful day here! We are so lucky for the weather!
