
how to serve water...

sooooo, we were at a yummy Italian restaurant 
and they served their cold water in recycled wine bottles...

{apparently lots of restaurants do this, found this HERE on pinterest}

i love that this restaurant puts water in wine bottles and you take one to your table

I really love this idea for parties in the backyard, inside, wherever...
but I never can seem to get those darn labels off completely: 

thank you pinterest...
Fill your sink with hot, hot, hot water.  Then fill each wine bottle with hot water and drop it into the sink.  Next, add this secret potion:  1/2 cup baking powder 1 Tbsp dish soap 2 cups white vinegar Once you add the vinegar to the sink, it will get all fizzy for a second.AND THE LABELS COME OFF:-)
pinned HERE original source HERE 


1 comment:

GnomeLover said...

That is so genius! I love it! I always have those bottles. What a great way to reuse something. Thanks for the tip!
