we've been loving summer....
we took a little road trip~ the funniest thing is the kids'
fascination with the hotel food....they don't normally
use this much tabasco sauce, but hey, little bottles are irresistible
we were amazed by the Carlsbad Caverns...
seriously, this is a MUST see/bucket list place to visit...
we had a blast in downtown ABQ...
we all found great stuff at The Buffalo Exchange...
we had this to-die-for BBQ at Rudy's...
we made a quick stop at The Grand Canyon,
well, not quick (as the kids would say), just a few hours out
of the way...how could we not stop?
we also took a train to Santa Fe...
I didn't snap any pix of the vendors,
but the Native American wares in the plaza
were simply delightful....we found so many
beautiful, hand-made items :)
we also shopped the farmer's market in Santa Fe,
yikes~ so much to see, taste, try...
I am in love with this Desert Dweller Lotion
it's all natural, super moisturizing,
and smells like you stepped out of the day spa :)

How fun! My kids would love those little bottles of hot sauce! We are thinking of doing a road trip next year. Was New Mexico hot? Those caverns look amazing. I am intrigued by everything you said. Did you buy any Native American wares?
It's a must see if you can make it there! Seriously pictures don't do the caverns justice - simply amazing! It's cool and damp once inside. It's not much hotter than CA actually a little cooler. We bought jewelry I will post a pic soon! I didn't want to photograph the artists though :) but it was an awesome shopping experience!
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