
Instafriday 11/25

Happy Friday!
Are you out shopping on Black Friday today?
We went out after the dishes were done...
last night! Crazy!! Fun!!

Anyhow, here are a few pics from the week...
linking up with Life Rearranged

I'm thankful to have children who LOVE to cook...
My oldest son whipped up some delish beef stew this week...yum!

Always at some sort of soccer practice, love this pic of the kids warming
up and the sky looming overhead...

books from my cookbook shelf out and ready to read through for the season...

the kids and some friends after church last week...they make me happy!

not an instagram pic but I love this pic of mom, dad, and me after church...

for my birthday this week my kids cooked me a delish breakfast,
served on our You Are Special Plate:) so sweet! 


Anonymous said...

looks like a great week :)

Anonymous said...

awh, how sweet is it that your kiddos cook?! cute blog too :) (p.s. stopping by from InstaFriday)

Nothingcanseperate said...

Looks like you had a happy week! Stopping by from insta Friday :)

Jeannett said...

okay, i'm coming over for dinner if that's the kind of "research" you do! ;)

thanks for linking up!!!