

happy Friday! 

do you ever visit a city and 
see yourself living there? 

yikes, that's me and Seattle...
I'm in love (too bad the hubs and I can only visit here...) 

if I lived here, I'd shop at Pike's Place for all of 
my grocery needs...

and I'd hang out at the Space Needle...

walk down by the water, ride the ferris wheel...

read a paper or two or three
whilst out shopping 

stop for a cappuccino...

pop into City Target...

stop at La Panier for a dauphinois (or two)...

bring home some peppers from the market...

I'd weigh a ton if I could live in Seattle...
for now I can just dream about it...it's a neat place!
so thankful for the opportunity to visit with my guy...
we had fun, and we made sure to eat a lot during our stay :) 

linking up with...
life rearranged 


Angela King said...

glad you had fun! i've never been there but it's on my list. it looks like such a great place!

Jodi said...

I'm not sure what a dauphinois is, but I want to eat one now!! Great pics of the market!

Amanda said...

What perfectly lovely photos of such a beautiful place!!! I want to visit :) I certainly understand why you would want to live there!! Thanks for sharing, have a blessed day!

Shelley Marea Vaughan Harris said...

Thanks for stopping by my InstaFriday and saying HI. My family and I are heading to Seattle in January for a wedding and to visit my brother who lives there. We've been there once before, and like you, loved it!