
crazy day in seattle

we had the chance to take just 
one of our kiddos to Seattle....
and we really only had ONE day to 
squeeze in a bazilliion things...

the donut guy in Pike Place Market is amazing..
two words....maple. bacon.

goodness, look at this view from the Space Needle....

goofing around, I just want a normal smile...
these guys always have to make a face of some sort :) 

La Panier....probably a good thing 
we don't live in Seatlle...
I would have a serious problem staying 
away from this bakery 
(oh, and it's just a few doors down from the SB flagship store)

yikes....I love this place...
the news stand is on this isle....love these lights

we had to hit the EMP museum 

our hotel room overlooked Lake Union
{aka...the Harry Met Sally houseboat location} 

not pictured, the Underground Tour, Harbor Cruise,
The Aquarium, lunch at fish place, and seriously.....
all such a great deal with the City Pass.

These passes are the way to go. We have purchased these passes 
in a few cities and it always takes you to some amazing places :)  


The Polka Dot Closet said...

Yum and on what fun...... if even for a day!


GnomeLover said...

I love Seattle so much. Have you gone to the Crumpet place in Pike Market? Oh yum! Those donuts look so good. How fun to go to Seattle for a day. It is one of my favorite places!
