
Pinterest Party

Link up with The Scrap Shoppe
for some Pinterest hopping!
Link your Pinterest address not your blog...

some fun stuff I found from the pin/blog hop...

rolled paper. Neat idea

Christmas TV Movie Schedule 2011...It's a Wonderful Life (a must see!)

favor?  super cute

here are the rules from The Scrap Shoppe's blog...)
The goal for this party is to create a Master List of Pinterest accounts for crafty folks like yourselves.

This is a one time link party that will remain open indefinitely. 

In true blog hop fashion, you can link up here or on Tammy's blog.
All links go to the same place so there is no need to link up in both places.


The Polka Dot Closet said...

Oh, I am not a Pinterest member, but that does not stop me from spending way to much time looking at it! I love it!


Katie said...

Hi Melodee... Thank you for stopping by and leaving me such a sweet comment! I love your blog and am now your newest follower ;-) I do have a Pinterest account and love it, so much fun looking at all the possibilities...XoXo Ps. I love Polka Dot Closet! She is amazing.

Nikki @ Saving For A Rainy Day said...

Love that tree. My oldest wants to make them so I think we are gonna get to it soon.