
TeeShirt Book Report

Looking for a creative book report? 
My students recently designed teeshirts for their book 
reports...they could either choose to design the shirt 
on poster board or an actual teeshirt.  
Depending on your language arts standards, you may set 
the requirements for each portion of the tee as you wish. 
This report required a picture representation and the title/author
on the front of the tee. The character's weaknesses 
went on the left sleeve, and strengths on the right sleeve. 

As an 8th grade standard my students need to identify 
whether the character is dynamic or static, but you can 
have your students include anything that fits your standards
on the tee.  
Students also needed to identify conflicts, climax, and 
figurative language. They really love the chance to be 
creative rather than writing up a regular old book report...
Need some more ideas? 
here's a few from their site...
22.MAKE LIFE-SIZED PAPER-STUFFED ANIMALS, PEOPLE, OR OBJECTS FOUND IN A BOOK. Cut out two large sheets of wrapping paper in the shape desired. Staple the edges almost all the way around. Stuff with crumpled newspaper, finish stapling, and paint.

23.MAKE HAND LOOMS AND WEAVINGS THAT PORTRAY A DESIGN IN A BOOK. Almost anything - from paper plates to forked sticks - will make a loom when strung with yarn, rope, or cord. Check art and craft books for directions. Then use the creations as wall hangings or mobiles.

24.CREATE BATIK DESIGNS WITH WAX AND OLD SHEETS OF TIE-DYE MATERIAL. When dry and ironed, use them for wall hangings, curtains, and costumes.

25.FASHION A MOBILE FROM ITEMS RELATED TO A STORY. The mobiles add color and movement to a room. Display them in the library, the cafeteria, the multipurpose room, or in the hallway.

26.MAKE A "ROLL-MOVIE" OF THE SCENES OR EVENTS OF A BOOK. Put a series of pictures in sequence on a long strip of paper. Attach ends to rollers and place in a cardboard box. Print simple dialogue to accompany the frames.

27.MAKE AN ANIMATION OF A SCENE ON AN ADDING MACHINE TAPE. To get animation, draw a sequence of pictures with each one showing a bit more movement than the preceding one. When this is rolled quickly, it gives the appearance of motion.

28.CREATE FILM STRIPS OF A STORY. Commercially produced materials is available with special color pens to make filmstrips.


The Polka Dot Closet said...

Oh, that is such a great idea! Of course they would rather write on a T Shirt than a plain old report...Yep, you're the best!


Marilyn said...

This is SUCH a cute idea Melodee.. Super lovely.. **I love your new look here too..:))** Wishing you the happeist of New year...**

LeAnn said...

Fun idea! Once again, I love your new look!