

happy Friday and happy November...

cute girls getting ready to go trick-or-treating...

a last minute bread idea~
sourdough bread with pesto and provolone~ delish! 

my new hat from Target....I love Target~

the greasers getting ready to go trick-or-treating...

crazy sock day at school for red ribbon week...

my mamma brought these over on Halloween 
so we could have some treats, too~

this cat.....she thinks she can sit at the head of the table! 

happy Friday! 

linking up with...
life rearranged



Emily said...

That hat is adorable! I can't wait to get to Target and get one for myself : )

Anonymous said...

I love, love, love your new hat! And I also think the girls' Halloween makeup looks amazing. I am doing that next year - quite a turn from this year's Mary Poppins!

Sara SHOEmaker said...

this whole post just made me happy. Fall makes me giddy! I absolutely love everyone's makeup jobs, they look so intricate. cute hat too! perfect with a fall outfit :)

The House of Shoes