

happiest Friday! 

this pic is from a few weeks ago...
it's the farewell to the roses~
little by little this was devoured 
(from my 29th birthday haha) 

the most wonderful time of the year...
lights, lights, and more lights~

me and the hubs...

darn, the only picture of the star going up is 
a blurry mess :(  we'll just call it an action shot...

how are all of our littles not so little any longer? 


my youngest in his "new-favorite-store"
the paintball/airsoft store...
trying on his wish list items~

I'll never get a serious picture with this man~

this isn't our street, but a street 
nearby that is 100% decked out
with a radio station and all~
talk about AMAZING...

happy Friday and happy weekend!
life rearranged
xo Melodee

1 comment:

Katie said...

Hi Melodee! I see you are enjoying the holidays. I love all of your photos ~ so cute! Merry Christmas...XoXo