
fun stuff

it's been busy busy around here....
we are loving our little bits of fall weather :) 

how cool is this store front at The Lab
my son found some records...and we agreed this would 
be a super fun place to work (it's an old Air Stream trailer)

we had a fun girls' day which included 
pedicures and lunch...and a little drive 
in my besties new convertible....

love these fun days when we can get together....

school's been crazy busy...we had a packed house for our 
AVID guest speaker last week...the kids loved it....

a fun trip to the Bay area...omg we love the weather, 
the food, and everything about this place...

my loves....

there's nothing better than clam chowder from Boudin,
a trip to Ghirardelli, and some fun in the city with the family :) 



The Polka Dot Closet said...

You and your family are Sooooo cute! You had me at Ghirardelli...!!!


GnomeLover said...

Oh my goodness! You look so adorable in that plaid! I love that whole look! What a fun trip. The bay area is where I would love to live one day. The weather was so nice for a while wasn't it? Now it is supposed to be 90 on Thanksgiving! It is so depressing. i love your trip pictures!
