
Favorite {new} sign

I have to share this darling sign I found at Hobby Lobby today! 
Amazing Grace...

How sweet it is...
My dear friend gave me a gift card and I am so happy 
to have found the perfect thing to spend it on!! 


Nikki @ Saving For A Rainy Day said...

Oh,I love it!! Had a date for HL with some girlfriends tomorrow but I got the sickies (thanks kids!) so I had to decline. sad face.

Hobby Lobby is amazing! We actually just got ours like 3 months ago and I wonder how I ever lived with out it!

Melodee said...

I know how you feel! How did I manage before HL?

andrea@townandprairie said...

This is one of the best songs, ever. Merry Christmas! andrea@townandprairie